See countries where we deliver

We deliver to the following countries:

If your country is not in the list above, please contact us and send all the necessary information

Get in touch

The Terms of Service define how your product, service or content may be used in a legally binding manner. They are essential for protecting your content from a copyright perspective, as well as protecting you from possible liability.

Terms and conditions

In this segment are established the General Terms and Conditions for the sale of products and/or services of ALLKASA, a brand owned by Mola Solta Lda., ( Mola Solta Lda., is a commercial limited liability company headquartered at Rua do Alviela, Lote 3, São Pedro, 2380-184 Alcanena, Santarém with the corporate identification number 515 090 999 with share capital of 17,000 ,00€ and registered at the Commercial Registry of Santarém.

Contact details: Mola Solta Lda

Telephone: +351 249 897 020 (call to the national fixed network)

Mobile: +351 965 300 750 (call to national mobile network)


We don't have a physical store, but we have a factory showroom with many products on display where customers can personally. The showroom is located at Rua do Alviela, Lote 3, São Pedro, 2380-184 Alcanena and has the following contacts:

Telephone: +351 249 010 517 (call to the national fixed network)

Whatsapp: +351 926 809 687 (call to national mobile network)



ALLKASA is dedicated to customizing items, selling furniture and decoration items, as well as providing accessory and complementary services such as assembly and transport. Data processing is a condition for complying with contracts entered into between the entity and customers or even for implementing and executing pre-contractual measures at your request.

Website usage

Use of the Site implies full and unreserved acceptance of all provisions included in the Terms and Conditions. If you do not fully accept any of the established conditions, you should not access and consequently use our Site. When using and/or downloading any content from the website, you automatically acquire the status of User, committing yourself to respect the conditions established in this document.

The User does not need to register to use the Site, however, some features may be dependent on registration where data such as: name; E-mail address; password; Postal Code; address; telephone contact.

After completing the registration and in subsequent accesses, it will only be necessary to identify yourself using the email address and the respective password, indicated when creating the User account.

ALLKASA, as well as its owner Mola Solta Lda., does not have access to or knowledge of the password defined by the User, and it is up to the latter to ensure its confidentiality, guaranteeing its safekeeping and good use, complying with good practices regarding the security of your account.

ALLKASA and Mola Solta Lda., cannot be held responsible for damages resulting from the loss or misuse of the password defined by the User and recommend changing the password regularly and taking precautions in the use of networks open to the public.

It is forbidden to use this Site with the purpose of harming the goods, rights or interests of the owner of the Site or third parties. Other uses that alter, damage or render unusable the networks, servers, equipment, products and computer programs of the owner of the Site or third parties are also prohibited.

Users must refrain from reproducing, copying, distributing, making available to third parties, publicly communicating, transforming or modifying the contents of the Website, except in the cases contemplated by law or expressly authorized by the owner of the Website or its rights. Users will also not be able to reproduce or copy the software for private use.or the databases of this site, as well as reproduce them publicly or make them available to third parties when this implies their reproduction. Users will not yet be able to extract or reuse all or a substantial part of the content of this website.

Registration Process

To register as a User on the ALLKASA website, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Account Registration

    a. Enter the email address to which the registration will be associated and continue;

    b. Enter password (confirm these steps)

    c. You receive an email confirming the registration of the User account.

Buying process

  1. Search and select the products you want to buy;
  2. Add to cart:
    a. You can select the option “Buy now” which will immediately take you to Checkout (step 4);
  3. Go to cart;
  4. Go to Checkout, where there are 4 items:

    a. Personal Information - Log in or proceed as a guest, and as a guest you will have to provide your name and email);

    b. Address – Add or Choose addresses;

    c. Shipping Method – Choose from the available shipping methods.

    d. Payment – Choose from the available payment methods.

  5. Purchase confirmation page where you have all the purchase information.

As mentioned in point 4., you can start and finish the purchase process without registering, doing so as a guest, in which case it is mandatory to fill out a form with your name, email address and full address (address, postcode, city and country).

After this you will receive an email confirming your order as well as its status.

ALLKASA reserves the right not to accept the order, or cancel it even after its automatic confirmation.

Payment methods:

Payments can be made by the following means:

  • Paypal;
  • Mbway;
  • Multibanco reference;
  • Bank transfer;
  • Klarna (on purchases over 150€, up to a maximum of 3 000€).

Deliveries, deadlines and transport:

Delivery times depend on several factors, but essentially vary according to the type of product to be manufactured. The rule is that we do not have stock and we manufacture to order.

Average lead times are:

  • Beds and mattresses: 15 (fifteen) to 20 (twenty) days;
  • Sofas and armchairs: 30 (thirty) to 45 (forty-five) days;
  • Furniture: 30 (thirty) to 45 (forty-five) days;

Transport is generally provided by carriers and in some cases by Mola Solta Lda when made in mainland Portugal.

Outside mainland Portugal transport is generally provided by entities external to the company dedicated to transport.

Delivery times vary depending on addresses (estimated times):

  • Continental Portugal– 3 (three) to 5 (five) days after shipment;
  • Islands (Azores and Madeira)– 10 (ten) to 15 (fifteen) days after shipment.
  • Europe– 15 (fifteen) to 20 (twenty) days after shipment;
  • Other countries– requires prior confirmation.

Intellectual property

The customer acknowledges and agrees that all copyright, trademark and other intellectual property rights over the materials and content provided on this website are, at any time, ours or those of whoever granted us the license for their use. The customer will only be able to use this material in a way that is expressly authorized by us or by whoever granted us the license for its use. This does not prevent you from using this website to, as necessary, copy information relating to your order or contract data.

Computer threats

The user must not misuse this website through the intentional introduction of any technologically harmful or harmful material or means. You must not gain unauthorized access to this website, the server on which this page is located or any other server, computer, database related to our website.

The user further undertakes not to attack, through any form and/or means, this website.

Failure to comply with this clause may result in the commission of offenses typified by the applicable legislation. The competent authorities will be informed of any non-compliance with the legislation that regulates this scope and we will also provide all cooperation to discover the identity of the attacker as well as the origin of the attack.

In the event of non-compliance with this clause, the user will no longer be authorized to use/enjoy this website.

We will not be responsible for any data or loss resulting from a denial of service attack, virus or any other technologically harmful or harmful program or material that may affect your computer, computer equipment, data or materials, as a result of your use of this website or the download of contents from the same or the contents to which it redirects.

Links from our website

If our site contains links to other pages and materials from third parties, these links are provided for information purposes, without therefore having any control over the content of those same pages or materials. Indeed, we will not accept any liability for damage or loss due to its use.

Written communication

Applicable law requires that part of the information or notices we send be in writing. By using our website, the customer accepts that most of the notifications made with us are electronic. We will contact the customer by email or provide information through notices placed on this website. For contractual purposes, the customer agrees to use this electronic means of communication and acknowledges that all contracts, notifications, information and other notifications are made in writing. This condition does not affect the legally foreseen rights.

User and/or customer notifications must be sent via the following email: or via telephone contact +351 249 010 517 (call to the national fixed network) or via Whatsapp on +351 926 809 687.

Partial annulment

If any of these conditions or any of the provisions of a contract are declared null and void, by firm resolution deliberated by the competent entity, the remaining terms and conditions remain in force, without being affected by this declaration of nullity.

Wake up

These conditions and all documents to which express references are made constitute the entire existing agreement between AllKasa, Mola Solta Lda., and the user and/or customer, replacing any other pact, agreement or promise previously established between the parties, whether either in written form or verbally.

AllKasa, Mola Solta Lda., and the customer declare to consent to the execution of this contract without relying on any statement or promise made by the other party or that may interfere with any written statement in the negotiations established by both parties of this contract, except what is expressly mentioned in these conditions.

Applicable legislation

The use of our website and the contracts made through it are governed by Portuguese law.

This provision does not affect other rights recognized to the consumer by the legislation in force.

Alternative Dispute Resolution

If the transaction has been processed and concluded through our website, we inform you that you have the right to try to resolve any dispute using a Consumer Dispute Resolution Entity.

In the event of a national and cross-border consumer dispute, within the scope of online (online), the consumer may resort to the European Consumer Center through the ODR Platform ("online dispute resolution"), with competence to resolve disputes relating to obligations contractual obligations resulting from online sales or service contracts. You can access the Electronic Platform for Alternative Dispute Resolution in purchase and sale contracts or national or cross-border online services.